The Project
How we take care of our work
Plantation design and concept

For the correct planning of the plantation, orographic analyses were carried out in the areas to be planted. a hiliar study was conducted, in order to comply with the regulations of the General Directorate of Soils, and to seek the balance between water use and drainage, without forgetting the future operating costs of mechanical collection.
The operation has been carried out with a surveyor engineer and the use of a station, which allows the field to be divided with plant tutors every 35 meters, and to mark the guidelines for subsequent soil tillage operations.

The lines have been designed in a homogeneous manner, parallel, with North-South direction (340° -160°), without taking into account the ground level lines, and favouring the arrangement of the plantation to facilitate future mechanisation.
The plantation design used is Damero, or Marco Real, the density of the plants being 7x5 - that is, 7 meters of track, or space between rows and 5 meters between plants, with a density of 286 plants / ha.
The plant tutors, treated white eucalyptus, are buried about 40 cm deep. leaving only 1 meter of the tutor exposed.
Soil preparation
In the general framework of the investment, one of the most important elements is the correct preparation of the soil. The use of subsoiling of depth (70-80 cm), with double skewer (40 cm.) and double eccentric pass, and formation of ridges, represent techniques normally recommended for soil preparation in Europe. These techniques are used in Uruguay in the reforestation sector, but, quite surprisingly, they are not frequent in olive plantations, despite their importance.

An attentive tillage favors the development of the radical apparatus of the plants, assuring stability in their maturity, and promotes the drainage of excess water. It can also result in a deep moisture reserve in case of dry prolonged seasons.
The formation of ridges prevents the roots of young plants from coming into contact with soils with excess moisture, avoiding phenomena of asphyxiation of the radical apparatus or problems in the correct development of plants, and subsequent insurgency of pathogenes.

Water and soil conservation

The marking of the land and the creation of two water reservoirs for a total of 2,500 mc considerably reduce the percentage of water retained or not used by the land.