The Management
How we take care of our field operations
Our Vision
In addition to bringing genetically certified olive trees from Italy, whose specimens in the INIA Las Brujas Experimental Garden continue to give excellent results, it is our desire to import modern methods of agronomic management: Italian knowledge which has a millennial tradition.
The objective is to achieve economic and environmental sustainability.

The Equipment
In our plantation everything can be managed by a single person and this thanks to the early acquisition of specific equipment.
The advantages of this type of management are the following:
high quality standard in everyday work;
a single professional in charge takes care of the state of the plantation and the planned work;
the manager is knowledgeable on soil, variety organisation, and each plant and its problems;
the manager organises the different operations of his work;
optimisation of field operations and activities as well as products used;
"training on the job": the person in charge of the plantation has a continuous learning program under the direct supervision of the agronomist.

Intergrated agronomic management
Environmental sustainability is achieved thanks to prevention techniques certified by organic farming. Plants and beneficial insects useful for the control of olive pests are protected in order to avoid the need for chemical pesticides.
The use of the atomiser allows to pursue a prevention plan adjusted to the needs of the plantation, with a homogeneous and precise distribution of treatment products.
Whether they are copper-based products, for the prevention of attacks by microorganisms or insects, or nitrogen, phosphorus or potassium based for the integration of nutrients, these are always products allowed in biologic olive growing.
As an indicator of the quality of the environmental state of the area, there was a significant increase in bird life, which, thanks to the two water reservoirs and the 9000 olive trees, has significantly developed and diversified.
In addition to naturally fertilising the soil, the fauna of the plantation contributes to the maintenance of natural grass, limiting the use of machinery.