The Farm
How we care for our land

The project fosters elements of technical and agronomic innovation, which are summarized in five key areas and whose objectives are:
The reduction of unproductive periods;
The scope of high productivity;
High standards of quantity and quality;
High level of mechanisation achieving maximum economic performance;
The economic and environmental sustainability of the plantation.
The company “Maria Vittoria Saccarello and Domenico Bruzzone” de facto company with fantasy name “Rincón Pandora” has started its activity in Uruguay in June 2011 (Date of registration DGI 06/21/2011 - RUC 216883280018- N. Company BPS 0000005969994) promoting an olive investment project.
The property measures 40,640 hectars and has the following characteristics:
Good CONEAT index (index structured by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries and the National Agro Economic Study Commission of the Earth, determines the production capacity of each standard)
Good distribution of areas suitable for planting
Low waste (ravines too wide, erosion, stones)
No previous agricultural exploitation, and certainly no use of chemical products (herbicides, pesticides, fertilisers). Only 8 have been used for prairie
Constant ventilation
Elevation and limited presence of fog
Availability of electric power
Presence of infrastructure
Closeness to other olive enterprises
Closeness to an oil mill
Closeness to national communication routes
City proximity with services for agriculture and assistance
Labor availability

The farm is located in the Department of Florida, municipality of Casupá, with access from Route 7 through the neighborhood road. This is in good condition, with frequent care of the Administration. The distance from Route 7 to the Rincon Pandora field is approximately 6 km, and the plantation is reached in 10 minutes.
In the soils, of moderate drainage, long runs have been made diagonally to the slope to improve the water drainage. It should be noted that the planted areas do not occupy a single large and homogeneous surface, but are divided into 3 sectors well differentiated by two ravines. All lots have the advantage of having long lines of plants, which allows a better optimisation of work per lot.
The usable soils are moderately deep, without impediment to the development of the roots, as long as adequate soil preparation work is carried out. Subsoiling was not only recommended, but necessary, and it was done when the soil was dry (January). In some sectors, at the end of the slope - canyons - and for the purpose of preventing erosion, water reservoirs have been built for the conduction and collection of water -and have been developed for foliage applications and/or assistance in case of drought.